Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Games You Can Play On A Dartboard

"The end of an era"

The end of an era is the reflection of a professional, knowing he was about the end of their working lives activa, se decide a contar parte de lo que sabe y de lo que piensa.
Iñaki Gabilondo , uno de los grandes comunicadores de la radio española del último medio siglo, habla de periodismo a calzón quitado en un momento en el que la credibilidad de los profesionales vive sus horas más bajas desde los años setenta.
El periodismo arrastra una larga y parece que inacabable transformación que, pese a lo que digan algunos, no se debe tanto a los profundos cambios a que obligan las nuevas tecnologías como a las indecisiones y a las cobardías del sector --empresas y profesionales--, a lo que se suma la irrupción de inversores ajenos al mundo de la información that have landed on the industry through more socio-economic and political, of course, bank information criteria.
is therefore of a very personal book, by subjective, but generous , in which the author does not avoid tough issues, demonstrating not only his passion for journalism without additives, but also a deep respect for the hundreds of thousands of listeners whom he served with proven dignity.
Gabilondo (San Sebastian-Donostia, 1942), BA in Journalism from the University of Navarra, debuted on radio with only 21 years old in 1963, Radio Popular de San Sebastián, of which he was director for 27 years. In 1969 he was appointed director of Radio San Sebastián (SER) and after passing through the stations in Seville and Madrid, in 1980 agreed to the management of information services Cadena SER, then assumed responsibility for TVE, coinciding with the coup of 1981 (the 23-F).
In 1983 he returned to the SER and in 1986 took over Today, that has been Gabilondo radio show the largest audience in the history of English broadcasting . Edit


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