Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ski Helmet Chin Protection

"All is forgiven", awarded the narrative Tusquets

"A Rafael Reig likes to divide the world into categories. Cree that there are two types of novels: the Ikea and Carrefour, a lead you and others will lose. That there are two types of writers: those who write the same novel getting better and whimsical that change with each new release. He says he admires the first and highlights Juan Marse , you write the same getting better - Reig says - but he is more than the latter.
Reig has won the Award Tusquets with the novel that gave Discovered All is forgiven.
"The underlying theme of this novel, which covers the last 70 years in this country to open a debate on violence and its transformation social. He wondered aloud while looking for a way out as the capitalist system: Is it as easy as going to the rich to ask them to divide? I do not know, look how he ended Allende ... The democratic way of socialism does not seem possible .
"Ultimately, this novel is a dialogue with his generation, who these days brings out other reviews of this period, such as Antonio Orejudo ( A moment of rest) or Benjamin Prado ( Operation Gladio). The profile trace Reig is the product of a generation of industrial development, while in Spain only wanted to comfort: People quit change the world to live well. That we are children of the sixties. Our parents lost their memory in exchange for a mess of pottage .
"Determined to rebuild the report that their parents would not show, it becomes blunt: was not a transition, was a compromise . This expression plagues every family lives of protagonist, as did Thomas Mann in Buddenbrooks (1901), describes the decline of a family gathered in the heat of the bourgeoisie just released. Reig ventures into the strategies used to perpetuate the victorious power after war, in peace. "
LINK to" Transition transaction made "in public.


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