Sunday, February 6, 2011

Flu Going Around In Az

" Arabs. The Ottoman Empire Today "

Egyptian News Please read this work Eugene Rogan, Professor of Modern History at Oxford University , which is particularly suited to venture into the recent history of the Arab countries and Islam, including its radical version, and whose reading is also used to understand what is political Islam and why the occidentalofobia that characterizes most of the movements, political parties and societies of North Africa and much of Asia. Much
speaks and writes of Islamophobia in Europe, yet little or nothing is studied and analyzed the hatred of Europe and North America - sometimes with reason and sometimes encouraged - has won many supporters in the last half century, nay, the Europhobia in Arab countries is greater now than before independence from their respective mother .
Arabs. The Ottoman Empire to the present tells the story lived in predominantly Muslim countries since 1516 - the year when the Ottoman Sultan Selim defeated the Mamelukes who controlled Egypt - until the recent and seemingly eternal conflict triggered as a result the creation of the State of Israel. Rogan
reconstructs the four hundred years of Turkish domination in the Arab Mediterranean, the rise of Islamic Egypt, reform and counter religious perversions and aftermath of the British and French colonialism, the emergence of pan-Arabism, who led the Egyptian army Naser front, the changes and wealth generated by oil, the effects of the Cold War in Islam ...
Recently, this author was invited to explain why the history of the Arabs started in 1516, to which he replied: "As a specialist Modern History, I wanted to have it boot the Arabs and 1516 is critical because that is when the Arabs begin to be governed from abroad and by third parties, "referring to the Ottomans, and Turks.
Some have said that if Bush had read this book would not have invaded Iraq, it would have been aware that by Western standards is virtually impossible to rule an Arab-Islamic where not only ethical and moral precedence radically different from those of the West - especially the Anglo-Saxon West - but also the concept of the modern state (or nation state) is devoid of meaning and value from the majority of the population.
still marked by a religious vision of life in Arab societies as stability concepts, authority, performance or balance - among others - have very different interpretations of which are granted in the West. This book helps readers understand why Arabs are so similar at the same time so different from Europeans. Edit


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